Family Life, Natural Health, Men's Health Beth Barbeau Family Life, Natural Health, Men's Health Beth Barbeau

The Midwife on Prostate...

I recently did an Instagram reel about (medicinal) weeds in my yard, and it led to being flooded with prostate questions! I know, LOL, that’s what I thought too! This is a very interesting incrimination of state of our health care system, that a midwife would seem like a great person to ask about men’s prostate health…but that’s a blog for anther day. So let’s take a look at how to help our men by helping their prostate, because nourishing and preventing is always a lot easier than solving a problem that builds for years! The prostate is a donut-shaped, walnut-sized glad that is wraps around the male urethra near the bladder. It produces the nutrient-rich fluid that nourishes and transports sperm (semen). The most common of prostate problems tend…..

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Natural Health Beth Barbeau Natural Health Beth Barbeau

Our Body Likes Spring Cleaning Too!

Our body naturally makes an effort to cleanse itself in the springtime, making it an ideal time for a gallbladder cleanse.* The gall bladder aids in the digestion of fats, and stores and releases bile. It’s a small organ that sits on the right side of the body directly under the liver. It releases bile into the digestive track helping to simulate peristaltic action – the process that helps the body move waste through bowels for excretion. Once the gallbladder is flushed out (which may include the elimination of gallbladder stones), then the liver and other organs in the body are free to release additional toxins. This further reduces the burden on the body. Here’s how!

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Get Well, Natural Health, Recipes Beth Barbeau Get Well, Natural Health, Recipes Beth Barbeau

Deeply Nourishing Meals During Cool Seasons

The winter season often brings with it an old deep impulse to go dormant and hibernate. We work more comfortably with these seasonal rhythms by nourishing our selves & our families with yummy seasonal foods. While spring and summer are active times (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere) for movement and cleansing - think salads, watermelons, cucumbers and cold soups, winter calls for foods that warm, nourish and mineralize our bodies, such as soups, stews, dense foods and baked goods.

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How to Make Nourishing "Pregnancy Tea"

Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea is one thing a pregnant mama can do that nourishes her uterus, her baby, and her immune system all at the same time! Many of us midwives suggest that at the top of your list would be drinking red raspberry tea infusion throughout pregnancy, and especially during the third trimester and after birth!

Historically, pregnancy tea has been safely used by herbalists and midwives for nourishing all aspects of pregnancy, birth & postpartum for generations. And, contrary to internet dogma, red raspberry is most recommended to help PREVENT miscarriage, not cause it. (See my previous blog on red raspberry for more information and references.) This infusion is tasty, and nourishing for the whole family!

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Natural Family, Natural Health Beth Barbeau Natural Family, Natural Health Beth Barbeau

How To Use Pine (Flower Remedy) for Emotional Relief

Flower remedies are a type of natural remedy rooted in balancing emotional states with the use of flower dilutions, in a similar fashion as the micro-dosing of homeopathy. Pine is one of Bach’s original 38 essences, it nurtures the positive states of self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and the release of excessive guilt and misery.

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Natural Health Beth Barbeau Natural Health Beth Barbeau

How to Stay Well - Even When No One Else Is

….Long long ago, in the time before 'The Pandemic’, you may recall that there was just being “sick.” This blog speaks to the good, old-fashioned practical approach to support our healthy immune state. This is helpful to resist and recover from all kinds of illnesses. As always, don’t hesitate to consult with your own trusted health care experts. Let's talk about how to hold on to your health, even when you're being continuously exposed to 'what's going around'.

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Family Life, Natural Health, Midwifery Beth Barbeau Family Life, Natural Health, Midwifery Beth Barbeau

Holistic Things to Do When Those We Love are Winding Down...

Dying is a topic most people vigorously avoid, until they can’t. We’ve found that many natural modalities, such as essential oils & flower remedies, bring comfort & relief to the entire range of life experiences, including dying. And, as a midwife who's personally gone through a number of up-close family deaths, I can say, gently, that there is indeed healing & wholeness to being present in the dying, as well as in the birthing that's usually my focus.

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