How Clearing Energy Helps Everyone in the Family
Throughout time, each culture and most religions have had their own methods of purifying a space, sick room, or temple. Clearing your new house before you move in is a way of releasing it’s past, and starting with a sort of “clean slate” for the future. Clearing your house, in your own way, supports the presence of your home in being a nurturing haven for your family. There are many ways to cleanse a space. And, there is no exact recipe or perfect way to do this. The intention is to invoke clearing, cleansing, and release.
Did You Know Cabbage Was Sexy?
Our modern palate has little idea of how special cabbage has been through the ages, how its mild flavor and crisp texture is wonderfully adaptable, and how beyond brilliant it is for our health. Cabbage is rich in a number of really healthy nutrients, such as vitamin C, sulforaphane, indole-3-carinol (I3C), and Vitamin K. I reinvent this cabbage recipe a few times a year. It checks a lot of boxes for me – it feels warming in cool weather, cooling in hot weather, a little exotic when I’m wanting carry-out, and healthy when I’m trying to stay on track.
There Are Many Things You Can Do to Relieve and Prevent Mouth (Canker) Sores
Canker sores are small mouth lesions that unfortunately cause great pain! They often last a few weeks, but here are many approaches that you can add to your family’s ‘natural medicine chest’ to ease the pain, speed healing and prevent reoccurrence.
Four Excellent Things To Do Today for Your Weary Adrenal Glands
The adrenals produce over 50+ different hormones which affect nearly every system and organ of the body. Our capacity to handle stress is greatly reduced when these glands become dysfunctional, they dysregulate in response to the extreme pressure to produce enough of the body’s primary anti-stress hormone, cortisol. Here are the epidemic symptoms that nearly everyone seems to have, and four simple things you can do today to start restoring healthy adrenal function.
Three Effective Things to Do Today to Protect Our Families From PFAS in Our Tap Water and Our Lives
Here’s a quick summary of the PFAS issue, and natural options to effectively relieve our bodies of PFAS’s toxic accumulation and reduce our continued exposure. Tap water is confirmed to be a major source of contamination, and there is specific mineral supplementation to consider in helping to shift the bio-burden of PFAS out of the body.
Easing the Misery of Thrush and Yeast
Mothers & babies sometimes struggle with yeast or thrush infections after birth. These fungal overgrowths are much more common now than even in the last decade, due in large part to the routine use of antibiotics at birth at least 30% of the time. While yeast is not usually a ‘serious’ problem, it can cause a very serious level of discomfort and pain for mothers and babies both. The infant’s digestion may be disrupted over the long term, and if they are being breastfed, mama’s commitment to breastfeed may also erode.
Using Cleavers the Herb To Clean Up Your Lymph
Cleavers also known as Lady’s Bedstraw, has a long history of use in folk medicine. Cleavers ability to assist in moving lymph and breaking up fibrous tissue makes it a wonderful herb to be considered when there are fibrocystic breasts with cysts or other congestion in the lymphatic system. It is mild, entirely non-toxic, easy to harvest, and is actually very valuable plant medicine. Cleavers are considered very helpful for mastitis or other swollen lymph in the breast.
Relieving the Burn of Heartburn
Heartburn is such a pain! It’s caused when hydrochloric acid (HCL), which is used by the stomach to digest food, backs up into the esophagus and irritates sensitive tissues. This creates a burning sensation in the stomach or chest, and pain behind the breastbone. It’s certainly not fun for any of the 60+ million Americans that suffer with it, but as midwives hear from our clients every day, it’s the absolute bane of pregnancy.
Pregnant mamas have two complicating factors that make them more likely to suffer from heartburn.