How to Resolve Round Ligament Pain in Pregnancy
The two round ligaments that support the uterus are rope-like bands of connective tissue. As the baby and uterus grows, the ligaments stretch along with them, which sometimes results in a spasming pain which may be described as sharp, jabbing, stabbing or ‘a ping’. It’s pretty common for pregnant mamas to bring up “Is it normal to have this weird pain?” in the 4-7 month range. Here are a number of approaches that can bring relief, some that you can do with your hands right on the spot!
Four Excellent Things To Do Today for Your Weary Adrenal Glands
The adrenals produce over 50+ different hormones which affect nearly every system and organ of the body. Our capacity to handle stress is greatly reduced when these glands become dysfunctional, they dysregulate in response to the extreme pressure to produce enough of the body’s primary anti-stress hormone, cortisol. Here are the epidemic symptoms that nearly everyone seems to have, and four simple things you can do today to start restoring healthy adrenal function.