The Holistic Mom's Guide to College First-Aid Kit Essentials
The problem with being a ‘holistic mom’ is that we want to send our grown-up kids out into the world with everything they could possibly need! The best college first aid kit addresses the most common small stuff in a general way and contains familiar, easy-to-use items.
Finding Time When Your Watch Stops
My watch stopped. At just the right time.
Sometimes we ask, “What would you do if you knew time was limited?” I’m asking, “HOW would we do time?” With even an extra deep breath or two, our brainwaves start to slow down or become synchronized. Moving towards this relaxed state of mind (the opposite of fight/flight/freeze), means being fully in the present moment becomes more possible. And we can experience the same busy day with a greater sense of calm and clarity. Even when getting the kids ready for school.