What To Do When You First Feel Sick
Nothing really tops simple prevention and prompt action as our first line of defense when we feel like we might be getting sick. It’s tempting to ignore the hints, but responding promptly is not only simple, cheap, and effective, but it saves massive amounts of time and suffering over the long term! When you have a hint that illness might be brewing, here are 7 actions you can take which have been successful in my family about 80-90% of the time.
How to Stay Well - Even When No One Else Is
….Long long ago, in the time before 'The Pandemic’, you may recall that there was just being “sick.” This blog speaks to the good, old-fashioned practical approach to support our healthy immune state. This is helpful to resist and recover from all kinds of illnesses. As always, don’t hesitate to consult with your own trusted health care experts. Let's talk about how to hold on to your health, even when you're being continuously exposed to 'what's going around'.
Treating a Fever Naturally
A fever can feel alarming, but it’s actually a sign of a strong immune system! Here’s how to support a fever naturally and know when extra help is needed.
How to Treat Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, Naturally
Hand, Foot and Mouth disease spreads easily through day care centers and kindergarten classes. It brings great misery to families, is highly contagious, and can be hazardous to the immune-compromised. Let’s review it’s symptoms and typical course, which will help you choose your best natural, therapeutic response
How Clearing Energy Helps Everyone in the Family
Throughout time, each culture and most religions have had their own methods of purifying a space, sick room, or temple. Clearing your new house before you move in is a way of releasing it’s past, and starting with a sort of “clean slate” for the future. Clearing your house, in your own way, supports the presence of your home in being a nurturing haven for your family. There are many ways to cleanse a space. And, there is no exact recipe or perfect way to do this. The intention is to invoke clearing, cleansing, and release.